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School and Trust Policies

Vale Academy Trust (VAT) merged with Cambrian Learning Trust (CLT) on 1st February 2025. We wish to inform all stakeholders that we are in the process of re-branding all policies to reflect the situation and this piece of work will be completed shortly. These policies remain fully operational.

School policies relate to every aspect of school life. They underpin the daily actions and decisions made in school and support everyone to achieve our vision through our interactions with each other, and across our community. Our policies are all about ensuring successful teaching and learning in a safe environment, in which we all respect each other's rights. 

Some policies are applicable across all the schools in the Vale Academy Trust; these are statutory and cover strategic areas required by law. Others are specific to St James CE Primary.

If you would like paper copies of any of these policies please contact the school office.

tel: 01235 868232


St James C of E Primary School
OX12 0JN


01235 868232
